





    対象:東京工業大学 学士課程 在学生 定員:20名/各コース


    ・100 番台「英語スピーキング 演習 G Ⅱ」の複数受講不可
    (但し 100 番台「英語スピーキング演習 G Ⅱ」の中から1つのクラスと300 番台「英語スピーキング演習 G A 」の受講は可)
    ・「英語スピーキング演習 G Ⅱ」の 3 クラスは同レベルです。
    ・「英語スピーキング演習 G A 」は 300番台のためGSEP、検定試験による必修単位の認定者を除く 20B学生は受講できません。
     大学院生用の「英語スピーキング演習 G Ⅳ」を履修してください。
    ・100番台「英語スピーキング演習 G Ⅱ」は系所属のための単位に間に合います。
    ・2021年3月卒業予定者は「英語スピーキング演習 G A 」を受講できません。
    ・教務WEBシステムで履修登録 追加申告を行っても Google Form による申し込みをしていない方は受講できません。


    申込方法: 外国語セクションホームページの Google Form より申し込み
         ※Google Formは、受付期間初日(1/25)に掲載されます。

    受付期間: 2月 1日(月 )10:30 ~ 2月 5日(金) 17 :00 まで
    1月 25日(月) 10:30 ~1月 29日(金) 17:00 まで [グローバル理工人育成コース所属学生優先受付期間]


    英語圏の大学で教育を受けるのに十分な英語力を身に着ける事を目標とし,英語による口頭表現能力向上のための訓練を短期集中で行います。この授業は「英語スピーキング演習 G 」(学士課程の学生対象)という 100 番台の英語選択科目で、各 2 単位を取得できます。
    講義名 英語スピーキング演習GⅡ 1
    科目コード LAE.E182-01

    February 15 – 19 /

    担当教員名 Mark Stoneburgh
    講義室 ZOOM (W934 is also available if needed.)

    Improving Communication Skills Through Discussion and Presentations

    This five-day intensive course is designed for students looking for a forum that will allow them to practice and enhance both their English speaking and presentation skills. It will be student-centered and active participation will be expected. Students will be presented with various topics designed to utilize and boost their critical thinking skills through discussion & debate. They will also be required to make daily presentations (individually and in groups). Vocabulary building and active listening will be critical components of the course.

    テキスト Handouts will be provided
    成績評価 30% Attendance and Class Participation, 30% Presentations, 20% Quizzes, 20% Daily Written Assignments

    Day 1, February 15
    1-2 Periods: Course introduction, Self-introductions/ 3-4 Periods: Hometown /5-6 Periods: Individual Presentations

    Day 2, February 16
    1-2 Periods: Nationalities/ 3-4 Periods: Stereotypes/ 5-6 Periods: Individual Presentations

    Day 3, February 17
    1-2 Periods: America/ 3-4 Periods: Europe/ 5-6 Periods: Individual Presentations

    Day 4, February 18
    1-2 Periods: Social Issues/ 3-4 Periods: Group Research and Preparation/ 5-6 Periods: Group Research and Preparation

    Day 5, February 19
    1-2 Periods: (PPT) Group Presentations, Q & A/ 3-4 Periods: (PPT) Group Presentations, Q & A

    講義名 英語スピーキング演習GⅡ 2
    科目コード LAE.E182-02

    February 12 – 18 /

    担当教員名 Paul Narum
    講義室 ZOOM (W331 is also available if needed.)

    Around the World in One Week- Talking about Global Travel and Current Affairs

    This week-long intensive course is geared to those students wishing to improve their English oral expression skills, particularly discussion, debate and presentation, through a comparative look at different countries around the world. The main subjects to be dealt with shall include world travel, comparative culture, education, health, welfare, and science and technology. The pair presentation will focus on a travelogue to a certain country, while the individual presentation will be about criteria for what can be considered the “best country.” Critical thinking strategies will be emphasized as students become more effective speakers, with timely feedback given.
    Textbook: All materials to be handed out in class.

    テキスト All materials to be handed out in class.
    成績評価 50% Attendance and Class Participation, 20% Pair Presentation, 30% Individual Presentation

    Day 1, February 12
    1-2 Periods: Course introduction, self-introductions, selection of topics/ 3-4 Periods: Strategies for pair and personal presentations

    Day 2, February 15
    1-2 Periods: Theme A (Example: Travel)/ 3-4 Periods: Discussion and debate/ 5-6 Periods: Theme B (Example: Education, Health and Welfare)

    Day 3, February 16
    1-2 Periods: Discussion and debate/ 3-4 Periods: Pair Presentations (Travelogue) – Warm-up and practice/ 5-6 Periods: Pair Presentations (Travelogue) – Final version, feedback and assessment

    Day 4, February 17
    1-2 Periods: Theme C (Example: Science and Technology)/ 3-4 Periods: Discussion and debate/ 5-6 Periods: Preparation time for final presentation (discussion and feedback)

    Day 5, February 18
    1-2 Periods: Final Presentations (Best Country) – individual/ 3-4 Periods: Final Presentations (Best Country) – individual/ 5-6 Periods: Student evaluation and feedback, personal interviews, course wrap-up

    講義名 英語スピーキング演習GⅡ 3
    科目コード LAE.E182-03

    February 15 – 19

    担当教員名 Jon Mitchell
    講義室 ZOOM (W935 is also available if needed.)

    Talking about Japan to the World

    During this course, we will be using a range of communicative styles to investigate contemporary issues and improve our critical thinking skills. Classes will normally begin with a background discussion of a topic from the textbook, Good-bye Galapagos, followed by a reading of the chapter. Following this, students will work in pairs and small groups to explore the theme via discussions, debates and short presentations.
    This is not a lecture-style class. This class will enable students to discuss topical issues with the goal of improving both their own critical thinking abilities and English communicative skills. These skills will be very useful for academic situations where students are expected to express an informed opinion supported by relevant research.

    テキスト Good Bye, Galapagos: evolving aspects of Japanese society, Paul Stapleton, Cengage Learning, 978-4-86312-216-1
    成績評価 50%, Final reaction paper: 50%

    Day 1, February 15
    1-2 Periods: Introduction to the course/ 3-4 Periods: Universities in Japan/ 5-6 Periods: Fewer Japanese Students Studying Abroad

    Day 2, February 16
    1-2 Periods: Galapagized Japan/ 3-4 Periods: Lack of Entrepreneurs/ 5-6 Periods: Uniformity

    Day 3, February 17
    1-2 Periods: Herbivorous Males/ 3-4 Periods: Disaster Spirit/ 5-6 Periods: Immigrants Needed

    Day 4, February 18
    1-2 Periods: Good News Japan/ 3-4 Periods: Presentation Planning – A/ 5-6 Periods: Presentation Planning – B

    Day 5, February 19
    1-2 Periods: Presentations – A/ 3-4 Periods: Presentations – B



    英語圏の大学で教育を受ける,また研究者として活動するための英語力を身に付けることを目標として、英語による口頭表現能力向上のた め の訓練を短期集中で行います。この授業は「英語スピーキング演習 G A 」(学士課程の学生対象)という 300 番台の英語選択科目で,各 2 単位を取得できます。

    講義名 英語スピーキング演習GⅡA
    科目コード LAE.E336

    February 22, 24, March 1, 2 and 3

    担当教員名 Paul Narum
    講義室 ZOOM (W3bldg., 8th floor, Language Lab 4 is also available if needed.)

    Getting Your Point Across- Giving Better STEM Presentations

    This week-long intensive course is geared to those students wishing to improve their English oral expression skills, particularly discussion, debate and presentation, particularly with a concentration on STEM subjects. Various strategies for developing optimum presentations will be introduced, with several case studies being explored and compared. There will be two presentations given by the participants in the course, the first dealing with a timely STEM issue to be given collaboratively by two students. The second will be an individual presentation at the end of the course focusing on the student’s particular area of interest or study. Critical thinking strategies will be emphasized as students become more effective speakers, with timely feedback given.

    テキスト All materials to be handed out in class.
    成績評価 50% Attendance and Class Participation, 20% Pair Presentation, 30% Individual Presentation

    Day 1, February 22
    1-2 Periods: Course introduction, self-introductions/ 3-4 Periods: Discussion and debate about timely STEM issues/ 5-6 Periods: Strategies for pair and individual presentations, selection of topics

    Day 2, February 24
    1-2 Periods: Preparation time for pair presentations (discussion and feedback)/ 3-4 Periods: Pair presentations (timely STEM issue)/ 5-6 Periods: Pair presentations (timely STEM issue), feedback

    Day 3, March 1
    1-2 Periods: STEM Presentations — case study #1/ 3-4 Periods: STEM Presentations — case study #2/ 5-6 Periods: STEM Presentations — case study #3

    Day 4, March 2
    1-2 Periods: STEM Presentations — case study #4/ 3-4 Periods: Preparation time for final presentation (discussion and feedback)

    Day 5, March 3
    1-2 Periods: Final Presentations (personal area of interest)- individual/ 3-4 Periods: Final Presentations (personal area of interest)- individual/ 5-6 Periods: Student evaluation and feedback, personal interviews, course wrap-up
