新着情報How can I register to enroll in GSEC-Advanced?
The applicant must be a master’s degree or professional master’s degree student as well as one of the following:
(a) A graduate of Tokyo Tech who successfully completed the previous GSEC (beforeMarch2017) or current GSEC-Intermediate.
A photocopy of the Certificate of Completion must be submitted with the application.
(b) A graduate of another university who has acquired basic global competencies and fulfilled the minimum test score or level requirements of one of the following:
TOEFL iBT, 80 points
TOEFL ITP, 550 points
TOEIC, 750 points
IELTS, 6.0 points
EIKEN Grade Pre-1
The Application Form (Please download here.), including the academic supervisor’s signature of consent, must be submitted to the Support Office for the Promotion of Global Human Resource Development.
A photocopy of the Official Score Report of one of the above-mentioned tests must also be submitted, along with the following:
– documentation (certificates, etc.) proving that the applicant has the same level of global competencies as those who have completed GSEC – Intermediate
– an essay describing how the applicant possesses the global competencies necessary to enroll in GSECʷAdvanced
Applicants will be screened accordingly.