IDEA League Summer School 2023 Call for Participants!

May 11, 2023

Tokyo Tech students are invited to participate in summer schools organized by IDEA League.

These summer schools are conducted for students of the IDEA League member universities. The ASPIRE League, of which Tokyo Tech is a member university, was invited to send its students as part of ongoing collaboration between the two leagues.

This year, the following summer schools are offered.


1.  TU Delft / Politecnico di Milano <Dates: 28 Aug- 1 Sep>

Theme        Computational Design for Additive Manufacturing

Location      TU Delft Campus, the Netherlands


Eligibility      Master and PhD Students enrolled in degree-seeking program in Tokyo Tech

Number of Nominees from Tokyo Tech   1


2. RWTH Aachen Summer School   Dates:11~15 September

Theme         Scalable Quantum Computing – From First Principles to Market

Location          RWTH Aachen University, Germany


Eligibility       Master and PhD Students enrolled in degree-seeking program in Tokyo Tech

Number of Nominees from Tokyo Tech   1


Planning and Coordination Group<
International Engagement Division<
Tokyo Institute of Technology<<
TEL : 03-5734-3016

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