Recruitment of TAs for AY2021
October 08, 2021
Project for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development
Support Office for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development will recruit TAs for “The Global Scientists and Engineers Course ”AY2021 as follows.
1. Number of TAs to be Recruited
Approx. 15 students
2. Work Description
“Introductory Course for Global Scientists and Engineers (GSEC) ”.
3. Application and Deadline
Please fill-in the application form with the copy of your residence card (both sides), and submit to the Support Office for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development by Monday, 1st November 2021 through E-mail.
*Application form TA Application form 2021
4. Recruitment Schedule
– Friday, 5th November: Announcement of Result.
– Friday, 12th November 12:30 (in 1 hour): Orientation (ZOOM).
*For detail, please check on recruitment information the following 2pages.
TA Recruitment_2021
Support Office for Promotion of Global Human Resource Development/Study Abroad Information Center
Hisao & Hiroko Taki Plaza B1, Ookayama Campus (Mail box:TP-004)
e-mail: (PIC : Rie MURAKAMI, Eri OTA )