
    【上級・4Q講義】物語のあるものつくり/ Technology and Product in Context



    In order to fulfill completion requirement for GSEC Advanced course, It is required to attain 1 credit from courses listed on “Global Leadership International Liberal Arts” category.
    In December 2021, “Technology and Product in Context ” will be held on the following schedule.

    ●科目名/Lecture Title
    「物語のあるものつくり」”Technology and Product in Context “

    ●科目コード/Course number: LAW.X423

    ●単位数/Credit: 1

    ●講義概要/Course description:



     What do products mean for people? How does technology relate to culture? What does our relationship with technology and products tell us about society? This seminar series introduces notions of design theory and material culture studies to investigate technological products, materials, processes, and cultures. In each class, we will interpret the relations between people and things through key historical frameworks: from materialist and structuralist views to ANT theory, the social life of things and new-Materialism. The transdisciplinary and nonhierarchical study of both high and low technologies aims to spark lively discussions using relevant, practical and accessible examples.

    The sessions combine seminars + interactive workshops to deliver experiential learning. Participants will form small groups to work on tasks and contribute to the discussions.

    ●使用言語/Language: English (必要に応じ適宜サポートあり)

    ●講義担当/Instructors: Dr. Giorgio SALANI, Kayoko Nohara (HP) 

    ●日程/Course schedule: 
    12/6(Mon)・12/13(Mon)・12/20(Mon) 2021・1/7(Fri)・1/17(Mon)・1/24(Mon)・1/31(Mon) 2022
    9-10限 18:05 – 19:45

    ●講義場所/Venue: Zoom遠隔授業

    ●シラバス/Syllabus: OCW(日本語English

    ●履修申告方法/Course registration:
     担当教職員(Prof.Kayoko Nohara )までメールにて連絡の上、追加申告許可願を出力し、提出してください。

     Please email to  Prof.Kayoko Nohara   by 12/6, and make “Course Addition” through Web-System for Students and Faculty. 
